China Carbon Forum to-date

China Carbon Forum (CCF) was established in 2007 by professionals in China’s climate change sector as a platform to exchange information, best practices and engage with China’s climate change stakeholders. Since then, CCF has held over 50 events and discussions on specific climate change topics, facilitated countless linking opportunities between China’s climate change stakeholders, and high-level stakeholders such as China’s chief climate negotiator (Mr Su Wei), his Canadian counterpart (Ms Louise Métivier) and the Director of the National Development and Reform Commission’s climate change policy think-tank (Dr Li Junfeng). CCF now has a network of more than 1,400 experts and professionals spanning all areas of China’s climate change community.

Since 2012 CCF’s activities have featured high-level events delivered in partnership with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) as part of a Low Carbon  Leadership Network. This cooperation with GIZ continues to the present day. Activities also include information sharing in cooperation with carbon market consulting firms and foreign governments, and a research project in cooperation with the Australian National University on China’s pilot emissions trading schemes.

CCF operates under the direction of a steering committee and a group of advisors made up of Chinese and foreign professionals from various stakeholder groups in China’s climate change sector. The steering committee and advisory members serve in a voluntary capacity without remuneration.