July 14, Carbon pricing to affect investments, survey claims, China Daily
July 14, 调查报告认为,到2025年预期碳价将升至每吨87元, Chinanews.com
July 14, 2030年国内碳价将较目前翻番, Jiemian.com
July 18,《2022年中国碳价调查报告》:碳价将持续影响市场参与者在中国的投资决策, CNenergynews.com
March 1, 《2021年中国碳价调查》:2025年中国碳价有望升至87元/吨, China Energy News
February 24, 《中国碳价调查报告》:2025年碳价预期87元/吨,市场期待强化信息披露, Sina Finance
February 23, Carbon prices to help steer investment, China Daily
February 23, 报告预测:国内碳价未来三年或年均涨超20%, Caixin
August 27, 中国碳交易市场新蓝海及相关法规梳理, bjx.com.cn
July 26, 136万亿投资 中国“碳中和”风口逐渐成型, Sina
July 22, 全国碳交易市场开市,居民电价会涨吗?, Sina
July 19, China fires up carbon trading as Asia turns onto greener path, Nikkei
July 17, COP26、气候变化和碳交易:关于碳排放权的几个基本概念, BBC
July 17, 全国碳市场鸣锣开市:首日碳价超50元/吨 配额分配为长期看点, 21st Century News
July 16, 全国碳市场开市,首笔成交价每吨52.78元、交易额790万, Sina
July 15, 全国碳市场将于16日启动,2025年或将达到2840亿元规模, Sina
July 14, 全国碳市场近期将正式启动,碳中和概念股又大涨了, Sina
July 9, 中国碳市场行将落地 出手就是世界第一等, bjx.com.cn
June 19, 全国碳市场首日成交2.1亿 后续价格仍有上涨空间, Xinhua News Agency
March 18, 全国碳交易市场如何聚“碳”成“财”?, www.cnstock.com – republished by Xinhua
February 8, Chinese Gencos Face Limited Carbon-Trading Cost Burden, Fitch Ratings
February 1, 碳期货来袭!上下游市场迎来颠覆性变化 – 北极星售电网, bjx.com.cn
December 16, 调查报告:全国碳市场预计五年内趋于成熟, People’s Daily
December 9, 报告:七成受访者预计2025年中国能建成全国碳市场, Caixin
December 8, EDF观察 | 电力行业已准备好明年参与碳市场履约, Environmental Defense Fund
December 8, China CO2 trading unlikely to be ‘fully functional’ by 2021: poll, Reuters
December 8, EDF观察 | 电力行业已准备好明年参与碳市场履约, Environmental Defense Fund
October 29, 碳期货来袭!上下游市场迎来颠覆性变化, bjx.com.cn
July 12, 碳价或将稳步上升,但全国碳市场何时交易仍存在不确定性, energyobserver
July 11, 《2018中国碳价调查》:超七成受访者认为全国碳市场将在2025年前全面实行, JIEMIAN.COM
July 11, 《2018中国碳价调查》在京发布——7成受访者看好全国碳交易体系将于2025年前完全运行, 中华环境网
July 10, 2018《中国碳价调查》:电力行业稳步推进碳交易准备, CEWeekly.cn
July 10, 中国2018年《中国碳价调查》报告发布, China Beijing Green Exchange
July 10, 《中国碳价调查》2018 年最新报告在京发布, Toutiao
July 10, 《中国碳价调查》2018 年最新报告在京发布, 163.com
July 10, 中国2018年《中国碳价调查》报告发布, Sohu
July 10, Pessimism grows over expected start date for China carbon trading, Financial Times
June 5, Green revolution quickens China’s carbon goal, China Daily
December 26, Skepticism puts a damper on China’s carbon market ambition, Global Times
December 21, China Earns Plaudits Despite ‘Soft’ ETS Launch, Energy Intelligence
December 21, National carbon market launched: “The carbon market is to be used for reducing emissions, not for speculation”, Southern Weekly [Chinese]
December 20, Five points we need to know about China’s carbon market, 国际能源参考 (China Energy News) [Chinese]
December 20, National carbon trading system starts: More than 1,700 power companies take the lead, 21st Century Business Herald [Chinese]
December 19, China moves towards launch of carbon trading scheme, Financial Times
December 19, National Carbon Emissions Trading System Launched: Hubei and Shanghai lead the development of the registry and trading systems respectively, The Paper [Chinese]
December 19, Five things to know about China’s national carbon market, China Dialogue
December 15, Carbon market finally to start?! Five points you need to know about China’s carbon market, Caixin Energy [Chinese]
December 14, NDRC will next week announce the launch of the national carbon market, here is what you need to know, 21st Century Business Herald [Chinese]
December 14, Carbon prices may be high by 2020: these are the points you need to know about China’s carbon market, Beijing Energy Club [Chinese]
December 13, 2020年碳价可能很贵 关于中国碳市场你还需要知道这几点, bjx.com.cn
November 24, Reconsidering the carbon market: high-level design is still missing, but rising carbon price is certain, iEnergy [Chinese]
November 24, Carbon-trading system key to shifting nation’s energy focus, China Daily
November 24, ‘2017 China Carbon Pricing Survey’ released, China Energy [Chinese]
November 23, China’s emissions are expected to peak ahead of 2030 or even earlier, China Youth Daily [Chinese]
November 23, Will China establish National ETS by the end of 2017?, Caijing [Chinese]
November 23, 2017 China carbon pricing survey launched, China’s emissions are expected to peak ahead of 2030, China Economic Weekly [Chinese]
November 23, 中国碳排放峰值有望在2030年前实现, bjx.com.cn
November 22, China Seen Reaching Peak Carbon Emissions by 2030: Study, Bloomberg
November 22, Survey launched as China prepares national upgrade, Global Times
July 19, 2017, Is coal making a comeback in China?, China Dialogue
June 23, 2017, Xi Jinping Is Set for a Big Gamble With China’s Carbon Trading Market, New York Times
November 14, 2016, Chine: de l’usine du monde vers un laboratoire de l’économie verte?, RFI (French)
July 7, 2016, Conflicting stats mask scale of China’s energy transition, China Dialogue
January 8, 2016: Chine : Un Moratoire De 3 Ans Sur Les Nouvelles Mines De Charbon, novethic (French)
December 13, 2015: China’s efforts on climate deal partly due to its pollution – AP
December 3, 2015, China’s Carbon Trading Pilot Programmes Flawed, InDepthNews (English)
December 2015, Carbon Trading Tradeoff, NewsChina (English)
October 10, 2015, China’s economic shift promises to aid climate fight but packs a commodity punch, Sydney Morning Herald (English)
September 15, 2015, U.S., China Build on Plan to Cut Emissions, Wall Street Journal (English)
September 10, 2015, Shanghai Stock Exchange opens new index to boost low-carbon industry, BusinessGreen (English)
September 9, 2015, Carbon pricing expected to affect firms’ investment, China Daily (English)
September 9, 2015, 2015中国碳价调查:中国碳排放或将于2030年前提前达峰, China National Radio (Chinese)
September 9, 2015, 調查:十年後中國碳交易價將翻倍, Wenweipo (Chinese)
September 9, 2015, Survey: China Carbon Emissions Expected to Peak Ahead of 2030, Chinagate (English)
September 9, 2015, 调查显示:我国碳价与碳税水平将稳步增长, Chinagate (Chinese)
September 9, 2015, 碳价调查:中国碳排放或于2030年达到峰值, Chinagate (Chinese)
September 9, 2015, News Desk, CCTV (Chinese)
September 9, 2015, 千亿级全国性碳交易市场加快构建, China Economic Net (Chinese) – republished by Phoenix New Media, Economic Daily and Chinanews.Com
September 8, 2015, China carbon emissions expected to peak well ahead of 2030: NGO, Xinhua (English)
September 8, 2015, 调查显示:中国碳排放将于2030年前提前达峰, Xinhua (Chinese)
September 8, 2015, Carbon emissions to ‘peak by 2030’, Global Times (English)
September 8, 2015, 2030年前中国碳排放或达峰值目标, China Newsweek (Chinese)
September 8, 2015, China’s national carbon price expected to debut at $6, survey finds, Carbon Pulse (English)
September 8, 2015, 調查顯示:中國碳排放將於2030年前提前達峰, International Daily News (Chinese)
September 8, 2015, Shanghai Stock Exchange opens new index to boost low-carbon industry, CrystalCarbon (Chinese) – published on Tanjiaoyi.com
March 31, 2015: La Chine ferme les centrales à charbon situées à Pékin, La Croix (French)
March 6, 2015: Émissions de CO2 : les entreprises chinoises prennent conscience de leur impact, novethic (French)
The China Carbon Pricing Survey 2013 report received large media coverage, both in English and in Chinese. Major news agencies Reuters Point Carbon, Australian Associated Press and Xinhua News Agency reported the output of the surveys as well as influential economic news networks Financial Times, 21世纪网 and QQ金èž. The survey received a particular attention in Australia where the Australian National University release was covered by The Canberra Times and ABC Radio Australia who interviewed Frank Jotzo. The English version of China Daily and specialized networks Phys.org and Sindicatum also reported the results.
- CCF is featured in the article “The China Carbon Forum: Enhancing China’s Response to Climate Change through Network-building and Stakeholder Dialogue” (p.21 of the PDF) in the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars‘ China Environment Series 11 (2010/2011) publication.
- CCF participated in the Confrontations Europe‘s April 2010 conference on the clean car, organized in partnership with Sauvons le Climat. CCF also arranged for Mrs. Ni Hong of the Department of Environment Protection to speak as a PRC government representative. Read about our involvement on p.18 and 22 of the Confrontations Europe September 2010 newsletter, which also shows a photo of CCF Chairman Dr. Anton Smitsendonk and Ms. Ni Hong, the guests of honor at the conference.